Support indy shakes through your giving

Do you love theatre? Do you love supporting the community? If you answered yes, does that mean you will partner with us?

We need help from individuals like you to support our FREE productions. Join our fundraising campaign so that others can continue to see Shakespeare for free, our professional actors and production team can be paid, and our staff can continue to create amazing opportunities for educational outreach,


Any donation over $100 will be recognized in our mainstage production program. 

  • A monthly donation of $40 will make possible a Traveling Troupe performance to an Indianapolis school.

  • A monthly donation of $100 funds the salary and benefits for an equity actor in our mainstage production.

  • A monthly donation of $150 covers set construction for our mainstage production.

Donor Advised Funds (DAF) donations can be made by clicking the button below.